Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Performance details and walking route map

So the time has come, its almost over... exhausted/excited/anxious The performance is a durational piece in 3 flowing stages: Stage 1 - Dartmoor Museum 7pm Friday 5th Dec film/text/spoken word/action/hairdryer Stage 2 - Walking from Museum to Shelly Beach Departing aprox. 9pm Fiday and walking through the night and saturday day, whilst talking to the bush Stage 3 - Shelly Beach aprox. 9pm(dusk) Sat 6th Dec spoken word/live film development using the sea/projections People are invited to the beginning at Dartmoor Museum, the end at Shelly Beach or to join me for part of the walk. To see the route I'm walking follow link below: http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=d&saddr=-37.922704,141.277742&daddr=Princes+Hwy+to:Winnap+Nelson+Rd+to:Winnap+Nelson+Rd+to:Winnap+Nelson+Rd+to:Swan+Lake+Rd+to:Bridgewater+Lakes+Rd+to:Shelly+Beach+Trk&hl=en&geocode=%3BFfg8vf0dtsdrCA%3BFQyrvP0dvhBsCA%3BFSJWvP0dIP1rCA%3BFRAtu_0d6HZrCA%3BFXbeuP0di3BsCA%3BFaTytv0d6g1uCA%3BFUSttv0d6C1uCA&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=15&via=1,2,3,4,5,6&dirflg=w&sll=-37.925987,141.280317&sspn=0.015572,0.022016&ie=UTF8&z=15 Hope to see you there!